Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Finding a job...

One of the benefits of Student Wives is the opportunity to encourage other couples and families by meeting their practical needs. Every semester it seems that one of the greatest practical challenges facing couples at Moody is finding jobs that help pay the bills, but allow time for school and ministry commitments. Within Student Wives, we try to share different job opportunities and information that may help another couple. Sara was kind enough to start us out for the new semester (see below). If you have another job post you would like to share with other wives, please email moodyswf@gmail.com

I know a woman who is looking for a part time nanny. She has one son who is 21 months old. The hours would be Tuesdays from 8-3 (preferably longer) and Thursdays from 11-5, with the possibility of evening or weekend work if you're interested. They live about a mile north of campus. If you are interested, please send me your contact information and I will pass it along.

Thank you,

Sara Smith