Thursday, January 31, 2008

Prayer request from Karis Jorden...

Dear friends,

Ben and I had our car broken into yesterday while we were downtown
running an errand for a friend. We had a low-end GPS stolen, but
nothing else was touched. The funny thing is, they grabbed Ben's phone
charger and not the charger for the GPS! To make matters worse, the
transmission in the car stopped working completely after that. We
managed to get the car into the garage on campus, but then the car
would not budge out of its space. This vehicle has been a huge
blessing for us as it's a ministry vehicle we've been allowed to drive
for a little over a year now. However, it's pretty old and probably
not worth fixing. Currently we are in Peoria, IL, where we are picking
up a car from Ben's older brother to borrow until we can decide what
to do next. Please pray with us that everything will work out for
God's glory and in a cost-efficient way. :) Thanks so much for your
prayers! I'll see you all at SWF tonight.

Karis Jorden

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