Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Get ready.....

Get ready....the spring semester is about to begin.

Our first meeting will be held Thursday, January 17, same time (6 p.m.), same place (the Kimball Room).

Carol Harding will be joining us this semester as our teacher, focusing on the nature of discipleship and the foundational principles of the spiritual life.

We will examine the nature and obligations of the spiritual life and the principles and practices that nurture it.

We will also explore the relationship between grace and effort in spiritual development.

This semester is an opportunity to study the disciplines of the spiritual life together with the goal of developing lifelong patterns and practices that will shape and form us as women, wives and mothers.

For some of us, this may be the semester to share a testimony or lessons from a spiritual discipline you have begun in your life. Please contact Danica - danica.allen@moody.edu - if you are interested.

Spring Schedule

17 – Weclome back! Testimonies, updates and a game
24 – Class & T2 Night
31 – Guest Speaker

7 – Founder’s Week – No Meeting
14 – Valentines Day Dinner
21 – Class followed by group discussion
28 – Class

6 – Class & T2 Night
13 – Spring Break – No Meeting
20 – Spring Break – No Meeting
27 – Class & testimony night

3 – Class & T2 Night
10 – Class
17 – Class & Guest speaker
24 – Class

1 – T2 Night & Graduation

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