What I’m reading: Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality by Mark McMinn, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero, Spanish Reader, Abnormal Psychology
Favorite fast food restaurant: Chipotle (because this makes my husband very happy)
Likes: family, spending time with Craig, running, scrapbooking, sunshine, reading, cooking, vacation, traveling, the beach, singing, pizza, MD crabcakes, yellow, purple
Dislikes: cats and dogs, coconut, KMart
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Years married: 2 years and 4 months (December 22, 2005)
Work at or in school at/for: full-time student, part-time work for MBI Alumni Office
When I’m not working/studying: sleeping, running, hanging out with my husband and/or friends, talking on the phone, cleaning, organizing
Plans after graduation: moving to Maryland (!) for Craig to be the Children’s Pastor at Mariner’s church in Annapolis, MD – Praise the Lord!