What I’m listening to: Jars of Clay Redemption Songs, Dean Martin, and the Corrina,Corrina soundtrack (Louie Armstrong, Billie Holiday the really old stuff)
What I’m reading: The Bible (That is all I ever have time for.)
Favorite fast food restaurant: Taco Bell and In and Out (it's a west coast thing)
Likes: Sleeping in, watching movies with Jeremiah, having a clean house (it is rare), dancing with my girls and going out to eat
Dislikes: Having a busy week, rude people (even though I have been known to be), having to say good bye
Hometown: Detroit, Mi (really Garden City but no one know where that is)
Years married: 7 years!
Work at or in school: Jeremiah is going to school for pastoral
When I’m not working/studying: I am always working doing something around or out of our house. Now I am trying to work harder so I have free time to start packing.
Plans after graduation: At the end of June we are moving to Gordon Conwell in Boston, Ma where Jeremiah will be going to get his Mdiv. That will be another three more years. If any one knows anyone else that is going to Gordon I would love to hear about it.