What I’m reading: Books for classes! In my "spare" time, Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret.
Favorite fast food restaurant: In and Out (west coast only)
Likes: The color red, sleep, my husband!, ballet, swimming, spending time with good friends, deep fellowship/conversations...
Dislikes: Lima beans, leaving the toilet lid up, crumbs on the counter.
Hometown: Tollhouse, California.
Years married: Two in July
Work at or in school at/for: The big picture: to learn more about God, to mature, to be better equipped for tribal church planting and translation. The small picture: In May I will graduate with my degree in Applied Linguistics and my husband will graduate with his degree in Biblical Languages, Greek.
When I’m not working/studying: I'm sleeping! Or maybe cooking, cleaning, reading... nothing abnormal, maybe more sleeping.
Plans after graduation: We will be going home to CA for the summer, working summer jobs and spending time with family. Then, in August we will head to Missouri where we will spend the next two years at the New Tribes Mission's Missionary Training Center. Eventually, we hope to be planting a church in an unreached people group, and possibly translating Scripture!