Also, I would love to do a couple more profiles of other wives before the end of the semester, especially for our graduates. Please email me if you're one of them!
What I’m listening to: I’m on and off with music, but I am consistently a fan of Shane and Shane and most worship music. And lately, I find myself tuning to Chicago’s country station in the car. I’m not usually a fan, but it reminds me of home.
What I’m reading: For growth – The True Vine (Andrew Murray). To learn more – Intentions, Nine Hot-Button Issues Viewed Through the Eyes of Faith (Moody Publishers). For fun – a certain celebrity’s guide to style and a wide assortment of apartment decorating books. Up next (at my husband’s request) – The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (Mark A. Noll)
Favorite fast food restaurant: Chick-Fil-A, Potbelly
Likes: Long walks with my husband, autumn, deep and meaningful conversation, chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone, the feeling of knowing Christ has set me free ☺
Dislikes: Unhealthy food, messes, laziness, fear, and controlling people.
Hometown: Knoxville, Tennessee
Years married: Two in August (We’re still new at this.)
Work: Corporate Communications Assistant (MBI)
When I’m not working: I’m reading, writing, thinking, dreaming, or cooking and talking to my husband about all my thoughts on life and faith. (Thank goodness he’s a good listener.)
Anticipated graduation date: May 2008 – Andy will graduate with a degree in Theology and attend graduate school in the fall.