Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hello ladies!

On behalf of SWF I hope you all had wonderful Valentine's Days spent with your husbands and loved ones! As many of you know, SWF celebrated Valentine's Day with a banquet on Thursday, February 12th at Moody. We were so glad to see such a great turnout with everyone looking beautiful and escorted by their husbands! If you missed us this year, we look forward to including you in our next years banquet and other regular SWF meetings throughout the year.

Dr. Sauer, a Bible professor at Moody talked with us about Romantic Love in the Song of Solomon.  If you missed the talk or wanted to review some of what he said, here are notes highlighting the main points!

Thesis: The best part of marriage can come after our worst problems.
     -There is pain in romance (Think of following Christ...the pain we experience is to grow us)

21 Things to be taken from the Song of Solomon

1. A woman needs constant evidence of her man's love
     vv. 1:2; 1:4

2. The man should take the initiative
     v. 1:4

3. We need to be attracted to our spouses inner and outer beauty
     vv. 1:6; 1:15; 2:1; 2:2

4. Our praise should build each others esteem
     v. 2:1

5. Our time together should be enjoyable and profitable
     vv. 2:3; 2:6

6. Premarital sex destroys a relationship
     v. 2:7

7. Nip problems in the bud or they will get worse
     v. 2:15

8. Hold your loved one in an open palm to God
     v. 3:4

9. Your spouse will greatly appreciate your moral purity
     vv. 4:12; 4:16; 5:1; 5:3

10. Sex is a wonderful gift for the right person at the right time
     vv. 4:16; 5:1

11. Problems are a part of marriage so don't be unduly discouraged
     v. 5:6

12. Focus on your spouse's virtues, don't focus on their flaws
     vv. 5:9-10

13. Get outside help with a marriage
     v. 6:1

14. Forgiveness prepares the path for reconciliation
     v. 6:12

15. Factor in God: reconciliation and healing are possible

16. People delight in being around a couple in love with each other
17. Romantic love is painful
     v. 8:1

18. Romantic love is rightly possessive
     v. 8:6

19. Romantic love is permanent
     v. 8:6

20. Love must be freely given

21. Regular and meaningful time for a man and woman together is essential
     v. 7:11

I hope these notes prove helpful to you and through studying the Scriptures you are drawn closer to the Lord and are motivated to love and serve your husbands through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Also, all the pictures that were taken from the evening are posted on the Moody SWF Facebook page.

Here is the link:
