Monday, September 24, 2012

9/20 - Dr Sauer

Praise the Lord that Dr Sauer could join us. I'm always thankful for his vulnerability and the way he makes the word come to life by telling of how he has practiced it. 
Some great lessons we gleaned from Philippians 4:10-20 include:

  • Contentment

Gifts added to Paul's joy while he was imprisoned, but they weren't the cause of his joy.
Our satisfaction is not dependent on people, things, or circumstances; a healthy relationship with God determines our joy.
Don't look to your husband to make you happy, only God can make you happy. A good spouse can't make you happy, a bad spouse can't prevent you from being happy. God first, then husband and children. 
Paul accepted their gift not to seek benefits for himself, but to see the Philippians profit from their giving. 

  • Stewardship

God faithfully provides for all the needs of generous believers. Don't let money or stress drive you and your husband apart.
Be wise about when to store up and when to share. Joseph stored up food during a time of plenty to prepare for a future famine (Gn 41). 
Assets other than money can be shared such as friendship and time. 

What a necessary reminder to make Christ our focus and take joy in him rather than try to derive joy from things, people, or circumstances. 

Below is a link of a short recording of Dr Sauer sharing an experience he had with a promise to give to God. Definitely worth five minutes of your time: