Saturday, September 29, 2012


It's the everyday choices that you make:

To do what is best for your partner in life 
To respect the commitment of being husband and wife 
To be still and just listen - not have to be heard  
To forgive and forget and not need "the last word" 
To admit you're not perfect - you'll both make mistakes
To support the decisions that each of you makes
To be willing to laugh when a day has been rough
To divide up the burdens when life becomes tough
To support one another when things are too hurried
To comfort each other when stress keeps you worried
To be willing to cherish your true love and friend with a joy and compassion that will never end

As you celebrate each year together:
May you always have understanding to make your marriage work, commitment to make your marriage grow
and love to make your marriage happy!

(Author Unknown)