Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Job Opportunities!

1. Language Stars 

Language Stars is a foreign language program for children from 1-13 years old. We have centers and school-based programs across Chicago and the suburbs.

We currently have part-time and full-time positions available for teaching Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, German or Italian. We are accepting resumes right now, because the academic year will be starting soon.

Please share the attached position description with your students – we would love to find several strong fits! If you know fellow students that speak another language, don’t hesitate to send them the attached position description!

Also don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.


Leslie Lancry
Language Stars
CEO & Founder
Tel:  (773) 935-STAR (7827)
2105 N. Southport, suite 209
Chicago, IL  60614

2. Part Time Nanny Opportunity 

LaVome is looking for a nanny for her son on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 5-6 hour blocks. Her number is 773.914.1708

3. Part Time Nanny Opportunity 

Heather Moore is looking for a nanny for her 2 children, 3.5 year old boy and a 21 month old girl. She lives in Old Town (North Ave & Mohawk) and is looking for someone a few hours a week. Her number is 312-330-0231 email heatheramoore@mac.com