Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Child Evangelism Training Course

Karis Jorden, a Moody grad (09) is a full-time missionary with Chicago Child Evangelism Fellowship, a world-wide ministry to children. She and her husband are holding a class on Moody's Campus called Teaching Children Effectively Level 1, which is a 30-hour course that equips students to effectively share the Gospel with children.

This course may be beneficial for anyone serving in ministry, counseling, or for personal resources as a parent.

About the Course: Teaching Children Effectively (TCE™) Level 1 is designed to offer a fresh approach to evangelizing and teaching children. Based on spiritual and educational principles, the course provides the methods and procedures to lead children to Christ and immediately equips the believer to begin and sustain a ministry where he lives. Student practicums are a vital part of the instructional procedure making TCE a refreshing way to train Christians in child evangelism.The course is held over 3 weekends. The dates are: February 17 and 18, March 2 and 3, and April 13 and 14.

Cost for the class is $100, but scholarships may be available.

Contact Karis and Ben Jorden for questions or to register at (708) 446-8467 or bkjorden@gmail.com.