Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Babysitting Job!

Hi girls!
We are in the process of trying to find a couple of 'somewhat permanent' sitters for our new Mom's group, which begins officially on Wednesday, September 8th.

We have one sitter secured, who is the wife of someone at Moody, but need to find a second (thanks, Bekah!).

Here are the details of our needs:

- 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
- Pay is $35
- Commitment is ideally for a year or so, but we can be flexible OR if you are interested in being a substitute or on a day that we need an extra sitter, let me know!
- Oversee a bunch of munchkins 3 1/2 and younger for a couple of hours
- Location is off the Armitage brownline (3 blocks or so)

If you could forward this to your sitters or people you know who may be interested and have them e-mail me back, I would REALLY appreciate it!

Thank you guys!
Ranell Conine