Wednesday, November 12, 2008


For those of you who were in SWF last year, I have somewhat of a strange request again this Christmas! My brother is mentally disabled young man who loves nothing more than checkbooks--that's right, checkbooks! He's been "writing checks" for about 15 years now and everyone in our home church and town has given him checks from closed checking accounts, name changes, etc. There is nothing that makes him happier than writing pretend checks to people.

Now, this is where you guys come in. I was wondering if anyone had checks that you no longer need due to changing accounts, changing your name, moving, etc. To put your mind at ease, even if the account isn't closed, we mark out the account number at the bottom of the check so that there is no question that it isn't an active check/account. In the fifteen years we've been doing this, we've never had an issue with the checks getting in the wrong hands or anything like that. He just writes them to family and friends for fun.

So, if anyone has any old checks that you no longer need, I would really appreciate your donation to helping to make my brother's Christmas great!

Any questions, please email

Thank you so much for your consideration!