I would really appreciate it if you could pray for Jonathan.He has been in the hospital since Monday with fevers of 105 - 106 which are causing seizures.
The doctors told us last night that they finally found the infection and it is actually in his blood. He has had everything from x-rays, EEG's, to a spinal tap.
He isn't resting because he's in isolation and for all of us to be in there with him you have to be fully gowned/masked/gloved, and this freaks him out. He didn't sleep AT ALL yesterday and is putting up quite the fight with the poor nurses and docs!
We have no idea when he will be released, so please pray for us as Luke has had to take time off school and work to help me with kids since one person always has to be at the hospital. Please also pray that since I was with him at the beginning that my body & the baby inside would be protected from this contagious illness! Thank you all for being there to pray with us!
In Him, Candace