Thursday, November 15, 2007

Samaritana's Purse

Looking for a unique Christmas gift? Want to give a beautiful handmade card to encourage a friend?

PCM is currently selling items to support Samaritana Transformation Ministries in the Philippines, which assist women who have left behind a life of prostitution.

Each of the items for sale is made by these women. If you would like to learn more about Samaritana, please visit the following website,, or review the facts below.

  • There are approximately 400,000 street prostitutes in Metro Manila.

  • Samaritana, with its staff of 10, has worked with dozens of prostitutes over the past ten years.

  • During spring break, MBI students participated in ministry to the 21 'trainees' currently in its job-training program

  • The trainees create and sell greeting card, bracelets and bookmarks as a means to earn a livelihood away from the streets

Let's help support these women as they leave their old lives and begin a new one in Christ! Stop by the PCM office (Crowell 2) if you are interested.

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