Monday, September 20, 2010

Free Marriage Seminar!

Hello Ladies! This weekend, there is a free marriage seminar being held at Cornerstone Counseling Center. Click the link below to view the flyer. It looks like a lot of fun!

Marriage Seminar Link (Click Here!)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Puppies For Sale

Dan and Rachel Royle (from Moody Radio Chicago) have a dog who just had puppies last week, and the Royle family is interested in selling these puppies. I know we have some dog lover’s out there... :0) and if any of you are interested in these cute little puppies, you can contact Dan at

(This is not a picture of the actual puppy)

This Week At Student Wives!

We had a wonderful first meeting last Thursday with Elizabeth Smith! Thanks to all who came... it was wonderful getting to know you a bit more. We're looking forward to all that God has in store for us together!

This week
(september 9th), we have the privilege of hearing John and Linda Jelinek speak to us. They will be doing a review on the book by Tim and Joy Downs, Fight Fair: Winning at Conflict Without Losing At Love. This book, as well as the book One of Us Must Crazy & I'm Pretty Sure It's You (also by the same authors), will be available for purchase at our meeting Thursday evening. The cost for these wonderful resources will be $4.50 each, or $8.00 for both.

Another note about this week's meeting: husbands are invited to join us for dessert and the discussion with the Jelineks! Wives will still be meeting downstairs at the Kimball room at 5:30, and will grab a bite to eat in the Student Dining Room (just like last time). Please encourage your husbands to eat dinner together, too, and then come down to join us in the Kimball room around 6:15 or 6:30. There will still be childcare provided. ;0)

See you there!