Sunday, August 30, 2009

Job Opportunity

Aldi discount grocer is opening a new store about 1.5 miles from Jenkins on North Clybourn. Today when driving by I saw a "Now Hiring" sign! Aldi is one of the few places that requires you to apply in person. The new store is located just past North Clybourn Place.

God Bless!

Let's Get Started!

Thank you to all who came to the student wives BBQ kick-off in ASC 2! We are thrilled to start off with our first official meeting of the semester with all of you! Remember our first meeting is Thursday, September 3 at 5:30 pm in the Kimball Room. We hope to see you there!
-Your Leadership Team

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Free Vehicle

We have recently been contacted by someone who desires to give his 1992 7 passenger Dodge Caravan, with just under 100,000 miles, to a student who needs a vehicle here at Moody. He will not be giving it to Moody, but straight to the student. I called Diannalee Hart to inquire about the possibility of sending a mass e-mail, but she suggested that I contact you first to see if a married student might need it.

My understanding is that the vehicle runs fine, but I don’t know too much else about the condition. It is located in Muskegon, MI, and would need to be picked up.

Contact information: Stephen Kott at if they are interested.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome to SWF Fall 2009

BBQ Kickoff!
6-8pm August 27th 2009

You and your family are warmly invited to a BBQ Kickoff to begin this year at Student Wives Fellowship!

Come along to Dryer Lawn to meet the couples at Moody, visit with the Nyquists, and find out all about Student Wives’ Fellowship.
Looking forward to seeing you there 

Looks like Rain! Bring your blanket to ASC2 for an indoor picnic!


BBQ Kickoff!
6-8pm August 27th 2009

You and your family are warmly invited to a BBQ Kickoff to begin this year at Student Wives Fellowship!

Come along to Dryer Lawn to meet the couples at Moody, visit with the Nyquists, and find out all about Student Wives’ Fellowship.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Bring your picnic blanket to ASC 2 for indoor fellowship!